Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Merapi Travel Adventure

In October 2010 that then the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings made panic with natural disasters, namely the eruption of Mount Merapi. Mount Merapi is known as the most active volcano in the world. Eruption of Mount Merapi, of course brings its own particular sadness for the people around Merapi. The grief experienced by residents around Merapi Yogyakarta in particular local residents and Hamlet Kinahrejo Cangkringan residence Interpreter Lock Merapi Mbah Maridjan among the victims of the enormity of the 2010 eruption of Merapi year ago.

Although the impact caused by the eruption of Merapi is quite large, but the grief people are not protracted. With the assistance of the various elements of the community and volunteers, residents around Merapi back up after the disaster that has befallen him. However, the location of the collapsed houses and destroyed victims of Merapi is not reusable. It is an anticipation of further disasters in the future. As the solution is built shelter or residential homes for the residents with a relatively remote location of Merapi.

Former location of Merapi lava flows do not go unpunished. On the initiative of local people, volunteers, and support from the government then used that location as a tourist attraction. Given that tourism is expected to help local people to rise up and restore the economy after the eruption of Merapi. There are a variety of attractive tourist sites is the former residence Mbah Maridjan, buildings were destroyed akubat awesomeness Merapi, and the remaining evidence of the eruption of Merapi.

One of the highlights of the surrounding tourist sites Cangkringan and Kinahrejo Merapi is adventure travel / adventure to use motocross or often called a dirt bike and ATV. With this facility, visitors can enjoy the adventure travel / adventure as well as through the former sites of the eruption of Merapi with beautiful views. Visitors will be spoiled with the beauty around Merapi to be guided by a professional Guide.

Adventure tour package is divided into two categories, namely using motocross or ATV. If you choose to use your ATV can choose the long route or the short route. Both these routes have views that are equally beautiful. To estimate the short route takes about 15 minutes at a cost of Rp. 25.000, - for a small ATV and Rp. 35.000, - for Large ATV. As for the length of the route, visitors are only charged Rp. 35.000, - for a small ATV and Rp. 50.000, - for a large ATV.While for Motorcross routes are also divided into 2 categories, but the route is longer motocross. For the short route is a route length of motocross ATV at a cost of 50.000, -. As for the long route motocross have an estimated time of about 2 hours with a very attractive route to pass through the River Gendol Merapi cold lava flow. For this route the package you are only charged Rp. 150.000, -. And of course, do not worry because in addition to the safety of visitors on guided by professional, visitors are also loaned a full riding safety gear which includes, clothes, helmets, gloves, boots, knees up to safety.

Besides an attractive package, visitors can also use photos to capture the surrounding landscape. Do not worry if you do not bring a camera, a companion is also carrying a camera that can capture your travel and direct photo printing results with only 20,000, -. In its development, the future will also be made outbound travel and motocross circuit. Visitors are also provided women with smaller motocross. Adventurers Travel is open every day and will serve visitors when the weather support.

if you want more challenge, trail bike ride can be recommended.
You do not just ride it, but it can also drive it. Want to see the former home of the late Mbah Marijan Kinahrejo Hamlet, Village Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, the shorter the distance is about 2 miles?
Opak time or browse the path of lava and rock material containing large and small along the sand along the 5 to 10 kilometers?
You can choose your own. "If only the former home of Mbah Marijan, ongkosya Rp 50,000 to go home with a time of 30 minutes. However, if you want to the former village of dunes duwur and Kali Adem, cost Rp 150,000 back and forth, for two hours. This medium range," said Chairman Jasmine Bluebird Trail Club (GMTC) Eko Budianto, who organized the trail bike community in Ngrangkah Pangukrejo Last Post, Jakarta, Jakarta, Thursday (03/08/2012).
As if you want to ride the bike trail with a longer distance with a time of three hours, plus Eko, you can choose the long distance charges Rp 250,000. The path is Petung dunes village, the tomb of Mbah Marijan, Glagah Sari, and Kali Gendol.
However, for air-trail fun while enjoying the natural charm of the area of ​​Mount Merapi, the Kawasaki 150 CC, you should use a special shoe and Deker and helem to protect the feet, knees, and head past the time when Opak.

The existence of this tour will also help the recovery of the local people because the people participating to sell food and drinks around the tourist attractions. To enter this site visitors will only be charged Rp.5000, -/person and automobile Rp. 5000, -, motor Rp.2000, - and 10,000 buses, -. The results of this fund is for residents and used as a disaster relief fund after the eruption of Merapi.  
 Come on, you want to try? 

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